Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Week 4- Words can't express!

We start out this week with wonderful news to share! We have surpassed our goal for the trip! Our God amazes me more and more everyday. He reminds us to stay faithful and obedient and all the glory will go to Him!

We will pass on the extra to the Pastor Conference to help with the ministry needs.

"Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses."             1Tim. 6:12

Moving on to week 4 on our Seven Weeks of Prayer...

Can you believe we will be leaving in less than one month!! Wheeww, lots to do, lots to pray for!

This weeks focus is on Churches & Revival Messages.

Focus scripture: Acts 4:13

         *BOLDNESS for the team.
         *We would bring WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT to the churches.
         *We would have the HEART OF GOD for His people everywhere we go.

Few ref. verses, Acts 4:33; Acts 16:16; John 6:44; Matt. 6:10

To update you on our preparations, Alley and I hit some garage sales and a Goodwill store this weekend. We were able to pick up quite a bit of clothes and spent under $40!

My shots are done, Alley is next. She only needs Hepatitis A so that's next on the list.

We are also working on our drama/skit for the Leadership conference. I really wanted to be able to do something without needing the translator. So I think we've got something good!

Thanks again for all of your prayers! More to come soon....

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