Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Focus/Personal Cleansing & Prep

Wow, less than 2 months away eeekk! So excited! Our group has started the seven weeks of prayer. This week is on Focus/Personal cleaning and preparation. I love how God prepares us. When I started reading Mandisa's book Idol Eyes the end of December it really stood out to me how much she fasted and prayed anytime she really needed direction from God. I remember thinking, wow to be able to have that much obedience.

She puts it this way:
"I've heard it said that fasting is the direct opposite of man's first sin in the Garden of Eden. Instead of eating what is forbidden, as Adam and Eve did, a fasting person refuses to eat what is allowed. The purpose of a fast is to weaken people physically in order to strengthen them spiritually.
The Bible demonstrates that God honors an obedient child who sacrifices food for a while and instead uses that time to pray." -Mandisa

"So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with Him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes." Daniel 9:3

Of course I've heard of other fast besides food, like giving up TV, Computer, things that are distracting us from spending time with God. However, I really feel God has been preparing me for the food fast.

So far I have failed Him twice, I made the mistake of trying this about 2 weeks ago when I worked from home one day. What was I thinking? As Alley would say "Epic fail #1" Then I received the information for the seven weeks of prayer and knew I really needed to do this and was not suppose to give up. So, I tried again yesterday I made it longer than the first time but failed once I got home and made dinner, "Epic fail #2." Oh and does chewing gum count? I dunno, I felt like I was cheating in some way s it probably does count. Ugh, I'm so thankful He loves us no matter how much we fail Him!!!
What's next? I continue my attempts. Any suggestions? I was so hungry yesterday and my stomach started growling right during a meeting..lol. Maybe I shouldn't work out that morning? Maybe I should eat less for a few days to shrink my stomach? I will try to eat less today and retry again tomorrow. Wednesdays are busy days, so maybe that will help? I will keep you posted.

Now to share some humbling news! Check out how close we are to our goal! Just a few hundred dollars away! God is so good! We will be paid in full way before our last due date. Words cannot express how blessed we are. Thank you!
We have started buying our clothes and other items needed. I will be getting my immunizations this week. I know time is going to fly fast and it will be here before we know it.

Please continue to pray for us as we enter the seven weeks of prayer. I will update you each week on our prayer requests. Of course as mentioned this week is on focus, personal cleansing and preparation.

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9

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