Friday, December 30, 2011

The "planned" itenerary

Wow...time is going by so quickly. I probably keep saying that each time, but it is so true :)

Steps completed:
1) Sent in our deposits to SWBMA last week
2) Sent off for Alley's passport (yay!)

Yesterday we recieved the planned itenerary from Scott (Director @ SWMBA). I want to share this with you because I know you will be praying for each step and continue to prepare us for this journey.

June 7 Thursday Depart DFW 4:45 PM on American Airlines
June 8 Friday Arrive London 7:50 AM, Depart at 10:20 AM on Kenya Air

DFW to London:

London to Entebbe:

June 8 Friday Arrive Entebbe (via Nairobi) 11:20 PM, Spend night in Uganda
June 9 Saturday Travel to Karagwe, Tanzania (all day), arrive at supper time
June 10-13 Sun-Wed Stay at Guest House in Karagwe, ministry includes visiting and doing evangelism in the villages, leading revival services, teaching students and children, and helping churches as needed.
June 14-17 Thus-Sun Travel to Bukoba and start ministry: church leadership conference, women’s conference, student conference, visit in area churches, do evangelistic work in Bukoba and Nshamba.

This is what it will look like once we leave Uganda:

June 18 Monday Rest, catch evening boat across Lake Victoria
June 19-21 Tues-Thurs Safari – drive through game parks, 2 nights in lodges
June 21 Thursday Arrive Arusha, clean up and shop, catch 7:40 PM flight home on Kenya Air to London (via Nairobi).
June 22 Friday Arrive London 6:45 AM, Depart on American Airlines 9:30 AM
June 22 Friday Arrive DFW 1:25 PM

So what is next? Well, time to start shopping for clothes to wear, we don't own many skirts or polos. So we will be dropping in the goodwill locations between now and then. Also, need to get shots out of the way, Hep. A and Tetanus :)

Total for the trip is $3,500 (each)

Thanks to SWMBA they have provided $400 for each of us as a sponsorship! How awesome is that! Nothing like getting us off on the right foot!

So with that our new total is $3,100 (each)

Continue to pray as we work towards our next payment due date (see below schedule).

Payment Schedule

January 9 - $100 (paid)
January 30 - $1000
March 15 - $1000
May 25 - $1000

I wanted to make the dollar sign into a God sign :) I have complete faith we will meet these deposit schedules with no stress, or worry.

There will be a maximum of 20 people from local churches on this trip. Please continue to pray for us as we prepare our hearts.

Thank you again for all of your prayers and support!

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matt. 6:33

Sunday, December 18, 2011

It's getting close...

So I can't believe how fast time is flying!

We are about 6 months away from our trip. I have some sad news to share, Terry will not be joining us on this journey :(
He doesn't feel that God has given him the "go" for this trip. However, I'm so blessed to have a godly man who has the faith that allows Alley and me to still go. So once again, I have not heard God tell us no! I'm so excited!

Alley and I have been working on some Swahili words. Last week was "thank you" "asante" because I feel like we will be saying that a lot. It was a piece of cake to learn. Today she asked me how to say "You're welcome" it is "wewe ni kuwakaribisha" :) Needless to say we are butchering

Also, we have officially confirmed our spots for the trip with Scott Whitson, Director of Missions (SWMBA). We will be sending in our deposits this week. He shared with us the possible options he is praying about for the time we are there. One of those include going to a different area called Bukoba, this would be the first time the SWMBA group has worked missions here.

Plans for this week: We will be sending off for Alley's passport on Friday! We figured it would be perfect timing with the Christmas break and my day off to go knock this off our list.

Next on our list will be our next deposit due the mid-end of January. Please continue to pray for God's provision.

In addition, pray for the Team currently being built for this trip, for the hearts of those we minister too, our hearts as we prepare, safety for travel, for only the light of Jesus to shine from each one of us!

"If the Lord delights in a man's way, He makes his steps firm."

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Mungu ni mwaminifu!!

Ok for those who don't use Google translate "God is faithful!"

"For the Word of the Lord is right and true; He is faithful in all He does." Psalm 33:4

Well, as you know I kicked my AVON business back into action a few months ago in hope to use my earnings to go toward our Tanzania trip. I've appreciated each one of your supports during this time! I started building my own Team (Unit) near the end of August and became an official Unit leader last campaign. To make this short, I receive bonuses as my Team places their orders. These are the checks that go straight to our Tanzania Fund. As of yesterday that was $100 (over 2 months) but today I received 2 checks for $100!!!! So $200 in bonuses!! I'm so excited! God is soooooo good!

I'm so glad all of the hard work has paid off however, it's a continuous effort. I need your prayers as I need to have 5 Team members placing orders every time. I have one who has now dropped out so I need to replace her quickly or I will risk starting over :(

I know God has gotten me this far in my business and it's only in His plan I will continue to succeed.

"Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies." Psalm 36:5

Please continue to pray for us as we prepare for this journey.