Well, they are printed and in the envelopes. Next step is stamping the return envelopes, stuffing it into the main envelope, then addressing, stamping and sealing them.
Now, the tricky part...Alley has her part to do. I'm about to give her the list of names and address for this set, and the instructions. I started think "ah this is simple" then reality hit me. How do I actually explain this and not hear "huh?" By no means am I belittling her, it's the normal teenage "huh?" moment...priceless.
Okay so I will give it a shot and let you know how it goes.
The response so far has been a true blessing. It's not only great to share this journey with everyone, but to honest feel like everyone cares and truly wants to support us is just awesome.
I posted a few pics I found of Tanzania, I hope I'm close to what it will be like. Wait who am I kidding, we are no way even close to that concept. I mean really, just the appreciation of a bath, a true bath is beyond what a picture can show. My friend Sherry said we will be prepared with dry soap...yes dry soap. I don't think I will every feel clean. Why is it that I can't wait to be humbled in this way?
Also, our Assoc. Pastor Jimmie mentioned an Internet Cafe as our possible life line. I'm not sure if there is only one or not. It would be cool if the picture I found is the one we will use.
Ok...I will get to this instruction delivery and plans to pray for them as they get mailed out tomorrow.
Lala salama (goodnight in Swahili)
"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." Col. 3:17
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