I have to share this exciting milestone to our journey with you who have been so faithful in giving and prayers! By the grace of God we shared our upcoming plans with our entire Church body yesterday. We've continued to see God's hand from the first mention of this trip to today. From all the prayers lifting us up, to the generous givings. Also, seeing Him move in our lives has been amazing. His peace for my husband as we prepare to take this journey, His guidance on providing a great team to be joining, and His provision on the additional earning opportunities to help us get there.
"That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
2 Corinthians 12:10
Yes, it hasn't been easy, but I'm thankful to be stronger.
At the end of this week we will have 19% of our trip paid. I tell you this because I want to share His glory with you in my next post.

How's the Swahili coming? Well, slow but I have this new app on my Kindle Fire that is awesome!! It has already helped me so much. Now if I can just get Terry to stop looking at me funny when I use it would be great. Ooohh maybe I can use this to my advantage. Only if I wasn't talking to myself..lol. Alley? Well, she may additional homework soon if she doesn't start learning it on her own.
Alright, this is a short one, but trust me it will be well worth it when you see my next post. I know God is only getting started here!
Through the last few weeks one chapter of the Bible has continued to be on mind, Hebrews 11. I love looking back to be reminded how without faith it is impossible to please God. That's my prayer through this journey and I'm thankful to get to share it with you.