Yes it's true!! We would like to introduce to you Yanini Abdalah Lolence.
She is 6 yrs old and lives in Tanzania. She is an only child who lives with her mother. Unfortunately she lives in a community severly affected by Aids. We don't have any information on her father.
How did Yanini become a part of our family?
Well, it's been on my heart to sponsor a child for months now, just kept thinking "I'll wait until we can afford it" Wow that sounds the same that many say about having kids too! I was talking to a good friend one day, who already sponsors a child, and she shared with me her thoughts "If we can't afford $35 a month, something is wrong anyways" I completely agree!!
Then last weekend I went to Women of Faith with a great group of ladies from my Church and some of my best friends. Each year during Women of Faith, which I've lost count on how many times I have been now, they provide information on how to support children through World Vision sponsorships. During the time Mary Graham shared the stories of World Vision I text'd Alley and told her to log on and pick out a child to sponsor with Taylor. That's all I said...I wanted them to pick the gender, age and where. It was important to me that they choose a child they felt God showed to them. When I got home the next day I found this sweet girl saved in the World Vision checkout cart waiting for me to complete the sponsorship. I couldn't wait!!!
So I bet you are wondering how Yanini ties into this incredible journey we have been on... well, hello...she lives in Tanzania!! How exciting it was to see that God showed us through this sponsorship the heart of our entire family.
Her packet came in the mail yesterday so I sat Taylor down to share our good news with her and Yanini's story. Taylor was excited too she really wants to send her a doll because the information shared said Yanini likes to play with dolls. Of course we cannot ship a doll but can ship other small items. So she picked out some hair bows today and we are going to write and draw our first set of letters to Yanini and her mom. Stay tuned as we share this part of our journey with you.
Pray for:
Yanini and her mom's health, provision of food, etc...
Our first big donation to Yanini and her mom. I'm looking to send money for some livestock to help provide food.
Continue to pray for our mission trip, finances, support, etc...
Thanks again for listening and praying!!
Nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1:37